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    Commercial Concrete Inc.


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    Quality Commercial, Residential

    Concrete & Asphalt Services


  • (703) 957-4913

  • Bond Release for Developers

  • Bond releasing happens when the required public improvements have been satisfactorily completed.


    Two conditions have to be met before the county will release the bond:

    • Public infrastructure must meet minimum county and state codes and construction standards while you obtain a final inspection. A county site inspector will make sure the public infrastructure meets the minimum county and state standards. In case this doesn’t happen the inspector will provide a list of deficiencies, or “punchlist.”


     Learn more about minimum inspection items.

    • Various other agencies have to accept the infrastructure they are responsible to maintain. For example, the Virginia Department of Transportation must accept the sidewalks, streets, sidewalks, and traffic signals.


    When the county and associated agencies have approved and/or accepted the construction, the bond is then released by the Bonds and Agreements Center. Beware that the developer is not obligated to perform any additional work after that. From then on, county or state agencies maintain the public infrastructure while the owners or homeowners associations maintain any private infrastructure, like landscaping, private streetlights, etc.


    Sound confusing, don't worry we at Commercial Concrete can help you get your bond released without any stress to you. Call us for an appointment right away.